Accustomed to life at sea, able to manage a luxury yacht, a skipper has all the necessary knowledge to ensure the smooth running of operations on board the boat. Thus, he is the master on board. A professional skipper must know how to manage his teams while adapting to the needs of each passenger. He can also give several practical advices in order to prepare a future cruise with perfection.

How does a luxury yacht cruise with a skipper work?

Usually, you are welcomed by the skipper on the yacht as soon as you arrive in port. Then, he offers you a guided tour of the boat while explaining the rules on board. At the same time, you can tell him the kind of tour you want. But whatever the destination, the skipper is your main ally, as he has knowledge of marine weather and geography. He can also share with you his good cruising tips such as beautiful creeks, unusual ports and little-used anchorages. Organising a luxury yacht cruise with a skipper means living a day that is unique, extraordinary and atypical at the same time. One day you will find yourself in the port of a very lively city and the next day you are in a totally deserted natural bay. Visit and learn more about luxury yacht charters.

Why go on holiday on a luxury yacht with a skipper?

A luxury yacht cruise with skipper offers several advantages. The professional skipper teaches you the pleasures of sailing through his knowledge of the world on the sea. He is a passionate sailor and can actually teach you how to tack, tie knots, read charts or trim the sails. He can even give you tips on how to prevent seasickness. A holiday with a skipper is therefore an excellent choice. With a skipper, you can travel with complete peace of mind. You'll have the privilege of letting the winds carry you along while enjoying the view.

How is the conviviality on a luxury yacht with a skipper?

Skippers are obliged to respect the privacy of their passengers. In addition, they are autonomous and often eat alone. For fuel and provisions, it is the skipper who will take care of it and if you wish to take the helm, you must have his agreement. This can be done when you get involved on board the boat by taking part in the manoeuvres. It is an opportunity to experience sailing in complete safety. A luxury yacht cruise with a skipper is therefore a great idea. You can enjoy a unique holiday while getting to know sailing.